Saturday, 15 October 2011

In a Country far, far, away.........

So where did this idea spring from and what is it about?
Well, it all started last summer while on an adventure holiday in Lauterbrunnen in Switzerland.
One of our hikes which started in Lauterbrunnen and progressed all the way up to Kleine Scheidegg (2061m) gave us these almost unreal beauties.....
                                                     (Monch & Jungfrau)

As we progressed and descended down the valley we then stood, face to (north)Face with...well....I've given it away.....

                                                                (North Face of the Eiger)

It was at this point that something unhinged inside me.....maybe it was the 5 hours we had already been walking, the heat that was baking down on us, the horror of watching Chris walk like a cowboy due to poor underwear choice.......whatever it was, inside myself I then decided that I wanted to climb this beast!

Now I'm not totally insane (some would disagree) so what hatched from this chrysalis was, if you like, is a top trumps of adventure....One of us chooses a silly thing to do and we then have to top it with the next (once completed). The possible idea being to get to the North Face at some point.
So on the very same trip, 3 of us decided to "climb" the Schwarzhorn Mountain...the smallest in that area but still a decent 2928m

Which brings us to the creation of blogBlanc
On return, and after a flick through my "Ultimate Adventures" book from the Works I picked out Mont Blanc to be our next victim and then somehow managed to talk 4 other friends into doing it as well!!!

So this blog will contain information from beginning to end, from kit-list to accommodation, training to toiling.....follow and enjoy

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